I rescued a family of cats.


The babies were 12 weeks old when I found a new home for the mother. They have all seen a vet and he says they are very healthy. The mother has been away from the babies for 6 days but her nipples are still swollen and she seems full of milk. Should this be a concern? Should I take back to the vet?

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Asked on August 5, 2015 3:20 pm
Private answer

For a cat to stop lactating she must be completely removed from her kittens. If the kittens nurse at all or she hears them crying for her, lactation can be stimulated. Even with complete separation, a few days of swollen breasts do occur. A 24 hour fast will help stop lactation as long as there is complete separation from the kittens. Warm compresses will also alleviate the discomfort of the swollen breasts. If the cat develops red spots on the breast or a fever, a visit to your veterinarian would be advisable.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 5, 2015 3:27 pm