Sheltie mix licking her back adn developed white flakes in her coat


I have a 15 year old Shepherd/Sheltie mix. She is in good health except for arthritis in her back, for which she get carprofen daily. About six months ago she developed a strong odor and started licking her back. At that time she also developed what looks like white flakes. After a bath, she smelled better for a short time and then started licking her sides and the flakes are again back. All this licking is causing her to ingest hair which leads to coughing. The vet doesn’t know what might cause this problem.

She has been on the same food regimen for several years as well as the same meds – Synovicre and levothyroxine and Rimidyl. Any insight as to what might be causing this problem would be greatly appreciated as the smell some days is very strong. Thanks so much for your help.

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Asked on September 17, 2015 2:23 pm
Private answer

The skin problem may be a symptom of Cushing’s Disease (overactive adrenal glands) or age related seborrhea. Have her tested for the cushing’s Disease. At the sanctuary animals with this type of skin receive hemp oil daily, sulfoxydex baths weekly, and antibiotics as needed for skin infections. If the Cushing’s Disease test is positive we use Trilostane to treat this disease.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on September 17, 2015 2:30 pm