Beneficiary of Bank Accounts and Securities Funds


Gifts of Bank Accounts or Securities Account that include D.E.L.T.A. Rescue

One simple way you can include D.E.L.T.A. Rescue in your estate planing is by designating us as a beneficiary of your securities or bank accounts. All you need to do is to fill out a “Transfer upon Death” or “Pay on Death” form provided by your financial institution. This approach is a simple and low cost way of making a lasting contribution to D.E.L.T.A. Rescue. Upon your death, the specific gift will pass to D.E.L.T.A. Rescue directly from your financial institution. Most States permit this approach but not all.

For example, Sylvia M. had prepared a will and living trust naming her three children as the beneficiaries of all of her assets which included her home and art collection. Sylvia however was a long time supporter of D.E.L..T. A. Rescue and wished to leave something for the animals. She had several Certificate of Deposits at her bank. She designated D.E.L.T.A. Rescue as a beneficiary of those accounts by filling out a transfer upon death form at her bank. Upon her passing the CD’s were paid directly by the bank to D.E.L.T.A. Rescue.

The D.E.L.T.A. Rescue Estate Planning Package: