10 year old cat – seems the more he eats the more weight he is losing


I have a male cat, Beefy, approximately 10 years old (exact age is unknown, he’s a rescued stray I’ve had over the last 4 years or so). Over the last 8 months he has lost a significant amount of weight, going from a robust 13 lbs to half of that. He has an extraordinarily voracious appetite, eating half a can of wet cat food (Friskies- doesn’t make him vomit) every 1-2 hours. It seems the more he eats the more weight he is losing. Several trips to the vet have yielded nothing, bloodwork is normal, xrays check out fine, all tests point to a healthy cat. He’s not turning orange around the mouth or ears, he urinates and defacates normally, although his urine does have a sour funk (smell) to it. Can anything be done for what is now a walking bag of bones? He’s still active, playing and grooming and assuming a ”daddy” position for the 4 youngsters (also an adopted stray litter)… is he in a perpetual state of discomfort? Is he malnourished? Is it something way out in left field that’s idiopathic to the n’th degree? Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Asked on September 22, 2015 5:46 pm
Private answer

If lab work has ruled out diabetes and hyperthyroidism it is time to rule out more obscure disorders. Malabsorption may be at the root of the problem. Either from a pancreatic deficiency or from lymphangiectasia. Both of these disorders are unusual in cats. The urine needs to be checked for infection and protein. Finally, an ultrasound of the abdomen may turn up a tumor not detected by radiographs.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on September 22, 2015 5:47 pm