16 year old female cat – Is she allergic or is it hormones?


Hi, my female cat is 16 years old now. she frequently gets a couple of small bald patches on her back, she wears a flea collar and never see fleas. We went away for 2 wks, when came back she is bald all under her belly and down her back legs. she is not scratching but have bought flea drops to try. Is she allergic or is it hormones? Any idea?

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Asked on August 6, 2015 6:51 pm
Private answer

This can be a sign of allergies. Change her diet to a unique protein and unique carbohydrate source as diet may play a role. Testing for allergies with a system by HESKA may detect what she is allergic to and a treatment started. In addition, some cats can show such behavior due to anxiety.

Your veterinarian would need to rule out allergies first, then try medication for anxiety.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 6, 2015 6:52 pm