6 month kitten bites


these are not play bites his pupils are fully dilated, and he draws blood and leaves bruises he attacks for no reason, he seems jealous of anything I do, or he will act like he wants petted but then bites, I am very gentle with him, but don’t know what to do he is altered.

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Asked on January 11, 2016 4:10 pm
Private answer

This type of behavior is often associated with kittens separated too young from their mother and litter. It may also involve too little contact with people prior to 3 months of age. They display inappropriate play activity, heightened predatory activity, and are slow learners. This is difficult to curtail with standard behavior modification techniques.

A full discussion of treatment is beyond the scope of this venue. However, treatment is centered on “startle” treatment, elimination of fear provocation, and sometimes drug therapy, such as amitriptyline. Discuss these treatments with your regular veterinarian. At the Sanctuary we allow these cats their space and do not force human contact, unless to treat illness.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on January 12, 2016 1:10 pm