6 year old shepherd mix dog, bladder stones 3 years in a row


Our female 6 year old shepherd mix dog has had surgery for bladder stones 3 years in a row, each about 1 year apart. She had both types of stones (struvate and oxylate?) the second time. I’m not sure as to which type she had this last time as the results aren”t back yet. We tried the Hill’s diet after the first year. The second year we did long term antibiotics to kill off any infection. I’m wondering where to go now? I feel like I need to go to a new vet to get a new solution. I don”t want our dog to have to go through this again.

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Asked on June 11, 2015 4:26 pm
Private answer

This is a challenge, but does not appear to be the fault of your veterinarian. The use of dietary management and long term antibiotics are both proven techniques. Having both types of stones makes dietary management more difficult. Hill’s u/d is more effective against oxalate stones. Also the use of distilled water for drinking water can be beneficial in these refractory cases. Your local health food store can also direct you to cranberry extract capsules that may help. The reality of stone formation is that there is something unusual about your dogs metabolism that allows them to form.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on June 11, 2015 4:28 pm