Chihuahua iagnosed with Cushings Disease.


Leo, I have a 14 year old Chihuahua that has been diagnosed with Cushings Disease. I am familiar with this disease because I lost my a little girl in 2001. She was 14 years old. I don’t know what to do with my little Candy, I can’t believe I have to see another one of my closest friends suffer the agony of this disease again. The tumor in her stomach is so big she can’t stand or walk. Please tell me how I can help her. She is alert and crabby as usual. Because of her age I don’t want to put her under sedation for any tests.

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Asked on August 18, 2015 6:05 pm
Private answer

We treat a number of dogs at the D.E.L.T.A. Sanctuary for Cushing’s Disease. we prefer the drug Trilostane. It has the best control with fewer side effects. Sedation for testing shouldn’t be required. We also supplement these dogs with Hemp oil for the added liver support. They often have other health problems that need to be addressed at the same time, such as hypothyroidism. Treatment can be very successful.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 18, 2015 6:06 pm