Diet recommendation for fecal incontinence in dog


Our dog Rachel is exhibiting symptoms of fecal incontinence, while this has not been officially diagnosed an initial consultation with our vet and recommendations of low residue dog food has helped but is not a long-term solution especially with 2 other dogs.

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Asked on July 31, 2016 10:07 pm
Private answer

Low residue foods such as EN by Purina or I/D by Hill’s are good examples. These diets are nutritious for all adult dogs, so can be fed to your other 2 dogs. Dietary management will not completely cure the situation. Typically fecal incontinence is a result of damage or compression of the nerves to the anal sphincter. Medications to alleviate this pressure may also help. Prednisilone or rimadyl may be of assistance.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 3, 2016 3:00 am