Dogs and Anesthesia


I have 2 questions. Do you know of any problem with the manufacture etc. of isoflourane or other anesthesia? My dog is scheduled for minor surgery and I am concerned. Two animals were lost on the table at my vets in the last few months due to reaction to anesthesia. Do you have any recommendations concerning a friends 3 year old collie that was adopted recently and spayed 7 days ago. She whined for 4 days after the surgery, is not active or interactive as she was, and seems depressed. To make matters worse, she has hardly eaten since the spay.

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Asked on May 26, 2015 7:08 pm
Private answer

The manufacturing process for anesthetics is closely controlled. Problems with surgery can occur due to a number of reasons. Complication rates vary among veterinarians and it is reasonable to research complication rates before having surgery performed at a given hospital. Check with your state board to see if there are any complaints against the veterinarian in question. Collies can be very sensitive. Pain management may be the problem but she should be examined for medical complications.

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Posted by liquidweb93
Answered on May 26, 2015 7:09 pm