Owner moved leaving their outdoor huge elder cat


High density neighborhood, owner moved leaving their outdoor huge elder, stud cat starving, injured, near death, a skeleton. Cannot pick him up due to his injuries and last of trust. brought him to better health .. almost frisky. Loves being brushed, a bit testy. Has a healing left wrist break, which he re injured ,upper one pancaked to the side of the lower break, in great pain, lost all the progress made. Have put Arnica pellets (6) in each feeding, condensed milk, and Purina cat chow. White flakes when I brush him, dry hair with quite a bit of white mixed in, abdomen is tinier than my 9″ wrist. Does not eat birds so dependent on us. Too smart for traps. Some one’s good pet suffering’s in his last days. My overly territorial house rabbit prevents him entrance from the elements … Ideas?

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Asked on August 1, 2019 3:11 pm
Private answer

from Leo: “Borrow a cat trap from a local human group, get the cat to a vet, which is the only way to help him now. Afterward, take him home to recover and spend the rest of his days with you. A spare room or bedroom is all you need to care for him.”

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 2, 2019 9:36 am