hyperthyroidism and 12-year-old male cat


Is there any relationship between hyperthyroidism and rectal bleeding in a cat? My 12-year-old male cat seems relatively healthy on the whole. I give him a 5 mg. methimazole tablet daily. He urinates and has bowel movements on a regular basis. However, his pink rear seems to be bloated and there is frequently a fecal crust on it after he”s had a bowel movement. When I remove the “aftermath” with water, I always find blood spots on the cloth. I also see blood spots on the floor or wherever he first sits down after a bowel movement. I do not see blood in the feces itself; I only see it in his rectal area. Is this something that needs a vet”s attention? And does it have any connection to his hyperthyroidism problem?

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Asked on June 1, 2015 5:17 pm
Private answer

This is unlikely a result of the hyperthyroidism and should be brought up to his veterinarian. He may need a higher fiber food or there may be a polyp in his rectum. Have this checked out

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Posted by liquidweb93
Answered on June 1, 2015 5:17 pm