I’m starting to lose hope for my overbred Undiagnosed rescued stray mutt only 49 lbs isn’t responding to treatment and doesn’t put on much needed weight.


I found a stray a few months ago and soon after she started losing her fur and now she is mostly bald with flaky skin that oozes something and has fowl odor ( I say like wet soggy old potatoes, like for hash browns, but my family says it’s way more disgusting) and she has a overly healthy appetite and drinks loads of water but she remains super skinny and looks emaciated. I took her to the vet but I couldn’t afford the blood tests that might have diagnosed what was wrong with her. They prescribed pills; prednisone, cephalexin and a shampoo; ketohex. I couldn’t afford them all ado the vet gave me what he felt would suffice. The treatment worked at first and I even bought more of the same shampoo online. but now she looks like it’s returning. Do you have any suggestions on anything I can do to get her healthy again? I’m out of options and can’t afford another trip to the vet I’m disabled and rely on ssi to get by.

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Asked on June 20, 2019 3:18 pm
Private answer

I am sorry your pet is having to go through this. She desperately needs a medical work up to diagnose the problem. Some areas have Pet Assistance programs to offset veterinary bills. The symptoms you describe could be as complex as hormonal diseases, allergies, or a combination of both. Continue to use the medicated shampoo but without additional diagnostics it will be difficult to define the problem.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on June 20, 2019 9:13 pm