irritated ear


17-month-old pit bull’s left ear consistently irritated, inflamed, reddish-brown “dirt”. No fleas or ticks. She’s the only one of 7 dogs who has the problem and only in one ear. I clean it regularly and have used Mometavet as prescribed in the past. I need a “second opinion”.

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Asked on August 22, 2019 5:30 pm
Private answer

At the Sanctuary we would get very aggressive with diagnostics. We would do a culture with sensitivities and direct microscopic smears. I am suspicious of a chronic yeast infection and like athlete’s feet infections in people these can be difficult to eliminate completely and have a tendancy to recur after periods of quiescence. Initial treatment with a number of different ear medications is required to get this under control. We have successfully used tresaderm, animax, and momentamax for such infections. Often there is a secondary bacterial infection that needs to be treated, Clavamox is often used for this. After the ear appears clear we taper off the ear cleaning to find the minimum frequency needed to keep this type of infection under control. Sometimes control is our best hope, as opposed to complete cure.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on August 22, 2019 9:21 pm