Knee Injury


My dog injured her knee on a hike, she favored her right hind leg for some time so I took her in for an xray. They said she damaged her knee, had a bone spur on it and should have surgery. They put her on a pain killer/anti-inflammatory medication which helped but she started limping again when she was off. Do you believe surgery is the only way? Would turmeric and other anti-inflammatory supplements help?

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Asked on April 21, 2016 12:01 am
Private answer

As you can see with the medication she was taking, once the anti-inflammatory medication is withheld the limp returns. If the medication is a homeopathic the same will happen once the medication is stopped. The most common knee injury is a torn anterior cruciate ligament and surgery is quite effective.

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on April 24, 2016 8:52 pm