My 20 month old puggle/chiuahaua mix has been diagnosed with coccidia and is on a 21 day course of Albon. She has lost 1.5 pounds


Anything I can give her to help regain weight and give her more nutrition. She is on Hills Prescription I/D
food and a probiotic.

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Asked on January 20, 2020 9:07 am
Private answer

Albon is a drug indicated for the treatment of coccidia; however, at the Sanctuary we prefer to use sulfa trimethoprim. At the Sanctuary we use the prescription diet by Purina EN for dogs with bowel problems, a bowel supplement called KLPP, and a probiotic called palazyme. Perhaps these changes would help with the weight; but, these chihuahuas are notorious for being picky with their food. She just may not be eating enough of the prescription food you are feeding!

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on January 25, 2020 11:56 am