My old dog, Harry, 14 or 15, has been diagnosed with Cushings Disease.


He is stable, no longer on meds for it, eats well, but does the circling thing when on his feet, which is difficult for him as he has arthritis as well as urinary and bowel incontenence. He is on Prevacox for pain. Is there anything more I can do for him? Thanks

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Asked on February 23, 2016 6:10 pm
Private answer

The circling may not be related to the Cushing’s Disease. However, it concerns me when you say he is no longer on medication for the Cushing’s Disease. This disease is not considered curable! Medication is geared for control. The circling may be related to some other neural disorder or a pituitary tumor that causes the Cushing’s. One drug that may help is Anipryl. Though not our first choice for Cushing’s, it is labeled for both Cushing’s and Old Dog Cognitive Disorder. Go to your your veterinarian for another consultation

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Posted by Dr. Gaylord Brown
Answered on February 23, 2016 6:13 pm