I see many medical issues in our animals, and many miracles too . . .


DELTA Rescue’s Chief Veterinarian Dr. Gaylord Brown has an update on Sister the Chihuahua’s condition: Sister, the Chihuahua, is walking again. The cold laser was part of her treatment plan and I am sure it played an important role in her recovery. In addition to cold laser she was given whirlpool therapy, walking in the wheel chair, and […]

The Life You Save Is Now Your Responsibility

Ward one of our angels

As this new year begins, I am sad for all my friends who did not make it past 2016. There are so many. And I can’t help but feel I cheated them by not telling you about their rescues and their wonderful lives here with us. Near the end, when they are in our hospital […]

e-Vet ALERT: Beware Ibuprofen in Dogs

Techron one of the kids

Topic: Beware Ibuprofen in Dogs by D.E.L.T.A. Rescue Veterinarian, Dr. Gaylord Brown Ibuprofen is a common non-steroidal ant-inflammatory used in humans for analgesia. Its relative safety in people have led some well meaning pet owners to consider its use in dogs to alleviate discomfort from arthritis. unfortunately, such action may lead to death due to […]